Workshop on Experimental Design and Reporting by NC3Rs

Date 17th October at 14:00

NC3Rs - National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
London, UK

Dear MNS Member

NC3Rs will give a 90min workshop consisting of three presentations, each followed by 5 minutes Q&A
  1. Improving the reproducibility of animal studies and reducing research waste. Dr Nathalie Percie du Sert, NC3Rs
  2. Robust experimental design with the Experimental Design Assistant. Dr Esther Pearl, NC3Rs
  3. Towards complete reporting. Dr Stephen Turnock NC3Rs


This 90 min workshop is organised by the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) in the UK. The three speakers will discuss issues in the way animal research is currently conducted and reported in the scientific literature. They will cover key concepts in the design of animal experiments such as sample size determination, randomisation and masking (blinding) and present tools and resources available to support researchers. This includes the Experimental Design Assistant (EDA), an online expert system to guide researchers through the design of animal experiments, and the ARRIVE, a checklist of recommendations to improve the reporting of research involving animals.


Nathalie Percie Dusert Dr Nathalie Percie du Sert is Head of Experimental Design and Reporting. Since 2010 she has been leading on the Centre’s work to improve the reliability of preclinical and basic research. The NC3Rs provides an extensive library of freely-available, online resources for researchers. Prior to joining the NC3Rs, Nathalie completed a PhD in Physiology from St George’s University of London and worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the field of nausea and emesis at the University of California, San Francisco and at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she developed expertise in in vivo research and systematic reviews and meta-analysis of animal models. She also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Swiss 3Rs Competence Centre.
Esther Pearl Dr Esther Pearl is the Programme Manager for Experimental design, she works on the development and dissemination of tools and resources to help researchers design experiments.
Prior to joining the NC3Rs, Esther completed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Otago, New Zealand and worked with Xenopus as a postdoctoral researcher in the field of developmental biology at the Clinical Research Institute of Montréal, Canada, the National Xenopus Resource, USA and King’s College London, UK.
Stephen Turnock Dr Stephen Turnock is the Programme Manager for Best Practice in Animal Research. His work centres on optimising animal use to avoid wastage at all stages of the research process, with a particular focus on promoting the use of the ARRIVE reporting guidelines. He holds a PhD in cancer biology from The Institute of Cancer Research, and prior to joining the NC3Rs he worked as a postdoctoral researcher, focused on the development of patient-derived ex vivo models to study radiation induced normal tissue toxicity.